Professor Robert Diab: rdiab at tru dot ca
Office Hours: by appointment
Class times: Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30 to 9:50 am
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This course provides an anatomy of criminal conduct and its legal treatment, utilizing a limited range of criminal offences. Students examine the designation of human conduct as criminal and consider the social, cultural and political forces involved. Other topics include: the development of the criminal process in English common law, its translation to Canada and embodiment in the Criminal Code; the substantive elements of a criminal offence, including both physical and mental elements; the common law and code defences; procedural, tactical, ethical and evidential problems associated with criminal prosecution at both the pre-trial and trial stages; the sentencing process; and the position at law of the victim.
The objective of this course is to provide students with a solid foundation in Canadian criminal law and procedure. Students will be expected to:
Cases found on or the SCC’s database at